
We are shaping the future – quite literally. In close cooperation with our clients, we formulate training for today and tomorrow. If you want to be a part of this, why not join our team?

Employee culture
over work culture.

Are you more at home in the digital universe or the analogue world? Are you a creative regulator or a regular creative? A diligent box-ticker or a best-under-pressure performer? Whatever you are, we believe in not only employee skill, but in employee culture too. At mst, we are a diverse team of personalities. Why not take a look and see if there's the right job for you?

A great team

Topics such as the gender gap, diversity, equality and accessibility are here to stay. That's a good thing for us, as we don’t consider these a chore, but rather an opportunity to further develop our open-minded and tolerant corporate culture.
  • 80% women's quota
  • Generation X-Z
  • Coming from a variety of different sectors
  • Flat hierarchies, open and straightforward exchange at and with all levels
  • Admiration and appreciation for one another


Moving into a management position should not be a leap straight in at the deep end: Our junior staff development programme JUMP helps prepare our employees for the transition – and is one of the finest examples of our outstanding corporate culture, which underpins everything we do.
  • Tailored coaching
  • Internal & external training
  • Assignments & presentations
  • Mentoring programme
  • Social evenings

Flexible working

There has been a lot of upheaval in the changes brought about by Covid-19. But this is not a chance not to simply slip back into old habits, but rather to rethink so many things from the ground up – and to do them better. Here's what we've established based on a large-scale survey following the easing of covid restrictions:
  • Work remotely for up to 5 days if desired

  • Better balance of work, family and free time

  • Greater autonomy for employees

as a mindset 

Our most important asset is our employees. It may sound clichéd, but it's true: social sustainability – an unwavering mindset that shapes the way we all interact with each other – is a top priority for us. Not to mention the direct positive impact it has on our client relationships.
  • Professional training and coaching for everyone
  • Bike leasing and healthy workplaces
  • Active protection of the environment
  • Rewarding social engagement
  • Activities and appreciation, such as two big parties every year, free coffee and water, overtime reductions and time off in lieu, special holidays for various occasions, suggestion box, etc
  • Electric company car, (virtually) paperless business, water dispenser, carbon footprint challenge

Our carbon (CO2) footprint challenge

Get out of the office chair and into your running shoes!
Do something for your health and protect the environment.
Let's work out together and reduce some CO2.
Everyone can join and every kilometer counts - no matter if you walk, run or if you go by bike!

Join now!




Your future 

Take a look around at some of the friendly faces you could see during your first meeting. 
Besser als eine Expertin ist eine Expertin, die ihr Wissen teilt. So wie Vroni, die unentbehrliche Teamplayerin mit kühlem Strategie-Kopf, die in Workshops und Schulungen auch unsere Nachwuchstalente zu Experten macht.

Veronika "Vroni" Jordan

Abteilungsleitung Managed Training Service Industrial
veronika.jordan@mst-group.euTel. +49 (89) 215 427 869
Die Leichtigkeit des Arbeitens hat einen Namen: Juwita. Positiv, flexibel und lebensfroh erweist sie sich Tag für Tag als zuverlässige und inspirierende Teamplayerin – mit einem ziemlich ausgefallenen Hobby: koreanische Serien.

Juwita Metasari

Training Coordinator
juwita.metasari@mst-group.euTel. +49 (89) 550 514 59
What do you call the motorcycle-riding employee of a company who is not only multi-competent, but also a helpful entertainer in the best sense of the word? Correct: the good soul. 

Richard „Richi“ Ertl

Senior Manager Strategic Projects & Digital Tools
richard.ertl@mst-group.euTel. +49 (89) 215 427 880
Melanie macht Kunden froh – und Kollegen ebenso: Ihre empathische, kommunikative Art und ihr stets offenes Ohr sind ihre Markenzeichen und eine Inspiration für das gesamte Team. Die Welt braucht definitiv mehr Mellis.

Melanie "Melli" Schreiner

melanie.schreiner@mst-group.euTel. +49 (89) 215 392 622
Mit ihrem ausgeprägten Sinn für alles Schöne ist Melissa im BMW-Team genau richtig. So hilfsbereit und lösungsorientiert, wie sie ist, wäre sie in wirklich jedem Team eine wertvolle Kollegin. Daher ist sich ihr Team einig: Schön, dass du bei uns bist!
Für eine, die ihren Blumengarten so liebt, hegt und pflegt wie Christin, ist fleißiges Bienchen vielleicht die passende Beschreibung. Für die mst ist sie allerdings produktiv wie ein ganzer Schwarm – so voll mit positiver Energie, dass es nur so summt.

Christin Dietrich

Teamleitung Industrial
christin.dietrich@mst-group.euTel. +49 (89) 215 427 902
Eileen Günther
Did you know? If you cross international professional experience with the patience of a creative hobbyist, the result is an outstanding Eileen who can't let anything get her down. 

Eileen Günther

Site management Leipzig and team management Automotive 
eileen.guenther@mst-group.euTel. +49 (341) 392 937 68
Ein Riesentyp, nicht nur charakterlich: Markus kümmert sich als Office Manager um alles und alle, von der Breznbestellung bis zu Versicherungsangelegenheiten. Höflich, zuvorkommend und … nunja: großartig!
Denise Fischer
Denise's hearty laugh opened doors for her in sales. But as a recruiter at mst, she has found a way to convince even more people to join her - or, even better, to join mst.

Denise Fischer

Recruiting & Retention Specialist
denise.fischer@mst-group.euTel. +49 (89) 215 427 845
Sie bringt alle Zutaten an den Tisch, die für eine moderne Führungskraft benötigt werden: Aus Empathie, Sensibilität und Aufgeschlossenheit kreiert Victoria Tag für Tag eine perfekte Teamleitung. Ein Rezept ganz nach dem Geschmack von mst!
Barbara Schindler
If mst were a club, Barbara would probably be our bouncer. And she would probably be the warmest, but also the toughest bouncer in the world. So that only those who fit in perfectly work for us. 

Barbara Schindler 

barbara.schindler@mst-group.euTel. +49 (89) 215 392 665
Fragen zu technischen Themen? Frag Carolin. Fragen zu EKW? Frag Carolin. Fragen zu XY? Frag Carolin! Mit ihrer zurückhaltenden, aber immer freundlichen und hilfsbereiten Art ist sie unsere Antwort auf so ziemlich alles.
Merly Roslin
Need an honest opinion? Ask Merly! The fact that she is still so popular must be due to her always cheerful - some would say wild - manner, with which she has enriched us for over 5 years. 
David comes with an experience that would take others three lifetimes: Years of working for a DAX company, international sales and marketing expertise, a huge tech network and his restless innovative spirit make him Lena's perfect confederate.

David Ullrich

Management Sales, Marketing, Digital
david.ullrich@mst-group.euTel. +49 (0) 89 215 427 882
Von Beginn an dabei, kennt Steffi wirklich alle – und alle schätzen ihre stets offene Tür und ihr offenes Ohr. Sie zieht im JUMP die Fäden, hat so manche Führungskraft entscheidend vorangebracht – und ist mit ihrer ruhigen Art die ideale Resilienztrainierin.

Steffi Fuchsgruber

HR Managerin Personalentwicklung
stefanie.fuchsgruber@mst-group.euTel. +49 (89) 215 427 830
Stephanie Loy
The word "numbers queen" is not in the dictionary - and there are no photos there either. But if there were, there would be a photo of our lively, hearty and infectious Stephanie right next to this word.
Lena Jentsch
You'd think she'd not only read but written every textbook on modern leadership: Sharp analysis? Bold strategies? Emotional intelligence? Lena delivers it all.

Lena Jentsch

Chief Executive Officer (CEO)
lena.jentsch@mst-group.euTel. +49 (0) 89 550 514 41
Judith Seelmann
Her perfectionism is highly appreciated, especially by our automotive customers. Everything is double- and triple-checked - and we are 100% sure: She would have spotted the error in the second word immediately.

Judith Seelmann

Abteilungsleitung Projekte, Programme, Produktionen (PPP)
judith.seelmann@mst-group.euTel. +49 (89) 215 427 886
Rarely can the term "tamer of numbers" be used as appropriately as in Hannes' case: If you don't make it through his burning accounting hoop, you have to try again in a less creative way. His ingenious tamer trick: only carrots.

Hannes Erl

Head of Finance & Controlling
hannes.erl@mst-group.euTel. +49 (89) 215 392 663
Auf einer Gerade zwischen A und B würde Claudi noch eine Abkürzung finden: Immer direkt, ehrlich und entschlussfreudig ist sie eine echte Macherin, die sich überall schnell reinfuchst – und wenn nötig durchbeißt.

Claudia Maschke/Claudi

Head of Operations
claudia.maschke@mst-group.euTel. +49 (341) 392 857 55
Fährt genauso Motorrad, wie sie arbeitet: immer aufmerksam, reaktionsschnell und vorausschauend. Nur das Lächeln, das sie eigentlich immer auf den Lippen hat, verkneift sie sich auf dem Bike – denn wer braucht schon Fliegen zwischen den Zähnen?
Johanna Franz
Johanna, our multilingual multitasker: Speaks English, Spanish, French, Kiswahili and - thanks to her quick, analytical grasp - is also fluent in Skoda, MAN, Renault and Bosch.

Johanna Franz

Department Management Automotive & Others
johanna.franz@mst-group.euTel. +49 (89) 215 392 652
Lena F
If you're a team leader interested in dancing of all kinds, you have a clear advantage: twirling tirelessly, often cheek-to-cheek with customers and perfectly synchronized with the team - what better dance floor could there be for Lena than mst?
Alina ist wie gemacht für ein Leben im Auge des Sturms: Sie liebt es, mit vollem Fokus an Lösungen zu arbeiten – ganz gleich, was um sie herum geschieht. Und das, wie Kunden und Kolleginnen zu schätzen wissen, so schnell wie der Wind.
Sandra bringt von allem viel mit: viel Herzblut, viel Know-how, viel Erfahrung, viel kommunikatives Talent und sehr viel Gespür für gute Kundenbeziehungen – oder aus Sicht von mst: viel Erfolg!
Ihr altgriechischer Name steht für Gastfreundlichkeit – und das ist Xenia: aufgeschlossen, herzlich und immer wissbegierig, kümmert sie sich zuverlässig um alle, die ihr lieb und teuer sind. Auch Menschen!

Xenia Gebendorfer

Junior Koordinatorin für internationale Trainingsmedien (89) 215 392 620
Playing is learning. So it's no wonder that Teresa, as a trained art educator, develops board games in her spare time - and otherwise guides our customers step by step across the various mst playing fields. With a lot of practice and even more skill.

Teresa Bauer

Digital Learning Specialist
teresa.bauer@mst-group.euTel. +49 (89) 215 427 853
Whether at the carnival as the top of a human pyramid or in dealing with our customers: where others get the big shakes, Franzi keeps a cool head, always remains structured, simply smiles away the stress - and is applauded from all sides.
A breath of fresh air in the office? Susanna is always there to ensure that. Whether with profound contributions to challenging projects, with lively lectures, with outspoken comments - or by passionately tilting the windows. A breeze of Susanna for everyone!

Susanna Wiedmayer

Training Coordinator
susanna.bellan@mst-group.euTel. +49 (89) 215 427 843

Become part of the team

Your application:
A short process in the best possible sense.

With us, your application won't be filed in the recycling or be filed away in the digital ether. Instead, we would like to win you over with a crystal-clear approach and proactive communication:
A quick note for the particularly impatient: Because professional preparation for a positive first interview is insanely important to us, it can take us a little time to take that first look at your application documents.
Ansprechpartner Karriere


Please apply directly via our job portal.
Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact our recruitment team  

Barbara Schindler and 
Denise Fischer

available on 089-550514-51

We are looking forward to hearing from you!