We are shaping
the future.

weeks from start to
regular operation
We quickly and discreetly take over large training portfolios or even redesign them from scratch. And for portfolios of more than 500 training courses per year, we can also set up a new branch just as quickly - in almost any country in the world.
3.8 million
3.8 million
hours of training per year
and up to 3,000 participants per day: Figures that never fail to impress - especially considering our team size of around 130 employees.
We know purchasing and the related fields inside out. Whether providing ‘managed training services’ (MTS) or acting as a full-service training provider, we offer a highly flexible pricing toolkit that almost always creates significant savings - without sacrificing quality.
Close customer contact is essential to us. Which is why we often operate directly on-site, sometimes at specially established mst locations. More and more often, we operate internationally, with locations in eastern Europe, to utilise the potential of best cost countries - without having to forego the quality you expect from mst. 
training courses per year 
More and more every day! In addition to traditional face-to-face courses and online training, we now offer a third learning-experience option to meet the increasingly diverse training requirements of our customers: the avatar-based 3D Virtual Classroom.
€200 million
€200 million
training volume
Both as a provider of full-service training and MTS, we handle enormous funds for major clients every year and do so in a highly economic fashion. Furthermore, all this is secured by our own reserves plus the financial power of our parent company, EOS Partners GmbH. 

Innovative training.
Perfectly managed.

Qualifizierte, inspirierte und eigenverantwortlich lernende Mitarbeiter sind die Grundvoraussetzungen für erfolgreiche Unternehmen. Und wir stellen diese Qualifikation sicher – als zertifizierte Experten für Managed Training Services (MTS), professionelles Projekt- und Medienmanagement sowie die Produktion von eLearnings oder Virtual Classroom. Wir gestalten Weiterbildung von der Bedarfsanalyse bis zur Evaluation. Ob Training, Live Online Event  oder WBT. Ob Konzeption, Koordination, Portfoliomanagement oder Umsetzung.


Market Leader for MTS


per day

High performance on a large scale.

Conducting training courses and events for hundreds or even thousands of participants is a complex endeavour from an administrative, logistical and organisational perspective. Even major corporations cannot manage this task as efficiently as mst, an experienced, highly specialised service provider.

Top performance?
Always included.

mst offers flexible, scalable and high-quality solutions for every training requirement. Whether as a training organiser, as a general service provider for the implementation of internal and external training courses – or as a provider and operator of a holistic, curated booking platform.


Definitely included: relaxation. 
We take care of every detail so that your training business runs smoothly. 


Always at hand: comfort.
With us, everything comes from a single source so that your business goals are achieved efficiently.


Muss auch mit: Begeisterung
Because nothing is more motivating and goal-orientated than innovative, interactive learning. 

Feel like you’re in the room with virtual meetings. 

Discover a whole new type of learning experience with mst spaces and mst congress. Our interactive, avatar-based world of training and meetings not only creates a high fun factor (from simple meetings to large conferences), but also facilitates exceptional learning achievements. 

Control your own 3D avatar in 3D meetings.

Intuitively navigate your personalised avatar through realistic scenarios, interact with colleagues and participate in meetings using rooms containing a media wall, interactive whiteboard, 3D Viewer, 3D Primitives and many other interactive elements. 


virtual classroom

Sometimes it has to be the big stage. 

Keynotes, product launches, Christmas parties, exhibition appearances, award shows - there are many reasons to book mst congress - providing space for up to 500 people or avatars. Of course, this includes special adjoining rooms offering space for extensive preparation or discussions. 

fantastic brands

Im großen Stil HR Business Services zu implementieren, erfordert kundenseitig die Bereitschaft, sich auf eine langfristige, vertrauensvolle Kooperation einzulassen. Dass uns viele Kunden seit Anbeginn als zuverlässigen Partner für das Outsourcing von Training, Learning, Coaching und Events die Treue halten, beweist vor allem eines: Wir kennen und können Großkonzerne. 

See the proof:
Our training makes a difference.

Every business is unique and requires a different approach - so our services and projects are tailor-made to suit the specific needs of our clients.

Customer testimonies

  • Stefanie Hanke

    RWE Power AG

    Wir arbeiten seit über einem Jahr mit der 
    mst group zusammen und schätzen die partnerschaftliche 
    Zusammenarbeit, die durch ihre lösungsorientierte
    und ambitionierte Herangehensweise geprägt ist.
  • Marc Oberhäusser

    Robert Bosch GmbH   

    Portfolio Management Competence Field
    The mst knows training management inside and out, and is full of pragmatic and innovative ideas to make our training processes better and better. This makes them a very important sparring partner and valuable service provider at eye level.
  • Roland Berner  

    moveon Unternehmensentwicklung GmbH  

    Managing Partner
    The long-standing collaboration with mst is borne by a personal and collegial style. The joint projects are very inspiring - both humanly and professionally. It is always an enrichment for me to exchange ideas with the motivated employees of mst.
  • Dr. Martin Kärner

    Siemens AG

    Learning Ecosystem Governance, 
    Global Learning World  
    We have been working successfully and in partnership with the mst Group since 2016 and are very satisfied. I would particularly like to emphasize the high level of service and customer orientation at all levels, as well as the willingness to live the process of the customer. They are great people who maintain a fresh, uncomplicated and solution-oriented interaction with each other and with us.
  • Sebastian Rothbart

    BMW Group  

    Teamleiter Learning Strategy, 
    Program Management 
    mst makes an essential contribution to our business; be it that we get our training content to the market in the languages we need or that we have been able to hold virtual events in Corona times thanks to the video & webinar services of mst.

2 in 1

Comprehensive and cogent: our co-leadership

Leni and David are shaping the future of the mst group as a well-rehearsed duo.
Lena Jentsch
You might easily think she has not only read but written every textbook on modern leadership: Razor-sharp analyses, bold strategies, dynamic thinking, emotional intelligence, clear communication - and as you would also expect: the highest of standards.
Lena Jentsch
Chief Executive Officer (CEO)
lena.jentsch@mst-group.euTel. +49 (0) 89 550 514 41
David comes with an experience that would take others three lifetimes: Years of working for a DAX company, international sales and marketing expertise, a huge tech network and his restless innovative spirit make him Lena's perfect confederate.
David Ullrich
Chief Officer Sales, Marketing, Digital (CSMO)
david.ullrich@mst-group.euTel. +49 (0) 89 215 427 882
team players

There’s no such thing as too many good people.
That goes for us, too.

At mst, you will be part of a committed and highly dedicated team that is devoted to one goal above all: preparing our clients' employees for their upcoming tasks.