mst as main sponsor at the MBF Bildungsgipfel (20.+21.10.)


We are (once again) forming the future! 

True to our claim and with a lot of heart and soul in the preparation, we eagerly awaited the start of the MBF Bildungsgipfel.

For almost 2 days, mst employees together with nearly 170 corporate learning experts from well-known major brands and institutions from the DACH region advanced and prepared the future of corporate learning. 

Indeed, the 50th anniversary summit of the Munich Bildungsgipfel had set itself the goal of simulating the world in 2044: 

- How will corporate learning shape and influence our lives and work in 20 years? 

- What could the value contribution of L&D within companies and in society then look like in concrete terms?

To find out, the education innovators and experts present "locked themselves away" in 6 thematically different future labs to jointly create knowledge synergies for inferential scenarios:  

  • Wild L&D —> everything is geared to the future and speed, transformation is driven forward with ever new topics
  • Green L&D —> resource-conserving and sustainable work - KPIs aligned to this
  • Social Innovation —> working in cross company and social ecosystems- networking with schools, and universities etc. 
  • Wellbeing L&D —> Resilience and agility, self-determined learning and working as well as life balance are core topics to ensure the company's competitiveness
  • Ultraperformance —> learn faster and more efficiently
  • NoL&D —> self-motivated and autonomous learning

Finally, at the end of the event, a manifesto on continuing education in the workplace answered the question of what we need to do today to reach our goal in 2044.

As event organizer of the event we were looking forward to 2 exciting days, together with our co-sponsors IHK (provided premises in the IHK headquarters) as well as BSH (dinner) and of course the great MBF team around their CEO Kai Liebert.

Let´s Lab!